Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas

Well, I am still in wait for your fantastically promised Christmas gift/blog, so Dod, GET ON IT!

While I wait, I will put a bit of filler on our blog since our followers have probably given up on us.  We are the epitome of the people who are so excited to start a blog, and then within 6 months have neglected it like an old pair of tapered jeans from 1994 (which I would love to have back since they would tuck nicely into my target boots serving as surrogate skinny jeans).  So I challenge us to improve our blogging, although we are both so busy this more a hopeful dream.

I had a great Christmas day as my family and my in-laws all gathered at my townhome (or "the box" as my mom calls it) to surprise me after I got off of a 12 hour shift at the hospital-how amazing!  Definitely my best gift!  Among other fantastic gifts, my family and I participated in a dirty Santa as-seen-on-tv/regift gift exchange.  Needless to say, I was excited.  I made a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond to secure my purchases.  I gifted others with Billy May's slider station (makes perfect slider burgers, also on clearance for $9.99-a sign of it's uselessness) and some other random things. The slider station was the hit and resulted in many "owners" trying to give it away to others.  The best gift was not seen on TV, but it was a set of thumb wrestling character covers for your thumbs.  One was named "El Diablo." I think it goes without saying that I HAD TO HAVE this thumb wrestling kit.  Unfortunately my Grandma stole them from me and left me with a cats-in-clothes stationary set.  Two (naked) thumbs down.

Well this will do it for my short blog update, but I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too.  I love you Dodster, always have, always will.  Oh yeah, I forget to tell you that my mom revealed to me that my Aunt has blocked both me and you from her facebook updates because she says we communicate too much on Facebook and clog up her updates. AHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gotta love her honesty.  Hope she isn't reading this and is offended by it, but I consider that so funny.

P.S. Tell Cody that I noticed he is participating in an online pillow fight via Fb.  Now you know I don't participate in these games due to my hypochondriac online computer virus fear, but I just saw that he was "hit" with a memory pillow and Dod I just can't help but think that is a terrible pillow fight choice of weapons because if anyone was really hit with a memory pillow in real life, they would be unconscious.  Sure, a big noggin like ours could sustain a blow like this, but Seth's smaller head would be bashed in by such a weapon.  Play it safe Cody, wear a helmet, I don't know how large his head is, but better to be safe than sorry (motto of my life).

Love you,
Burl (please enjoy fake small head photo attached courtesy of photobooth!)